Here's a collection of resources that we think you will find useful.
- Parent View: Gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about our school.
- Change4Life: Offers lots of fun recipe and activity ideas to help you and your children stay healthy.
- Skillswise: English and Maths for adults.
For Children:
- Reading Plus: For Years 5 and 6 children.
- Purple Mash: Enables children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a creative way.
- Hit the button: Quickfire add, subtract, multiply and divide.
- Subtraction Grids: Subtraction missing numbers calculations.
- Caterpillar ordering: Ordering numbers.
- Toy shop money: Money games.
- Teddy Bear Numbers: Numbers to 15.
- Number facts families: To help with leaning related number bonds.
- Symmetry sorting: Sort out symmetrical shapes.
- Symmetry shapes: Identify the other half of a symmetrical shape.
- Show the coordinates: Show the coordinates on a grid.