31 March 2020

Image of Working from Home 31st March 2020

We have had lots of photos and updates come in via Mrs Culshaw for Reception Class. Its so lovely to see what they have been doing!

Heather has been busy counting and making patterns, making fruit salad and doing a different kind of PE with brother Henry!

Gabriela has been busy doing her school work.

Alice - Alice has had fun  making cupcakes. She has completed all of her sentences and maths. She loves her maths games especially the snakes and ladders. 

Alfie sent Mrs Culshaw this message:

Hello Mrs Culshaw

I miss you as well and all my friends, I have been doing my work with mum and Katie and playing outside in the garden working as well.

I cannot wait to see you again and go back to school.

Alfie has also been busy.

PE Monday to Friday, tricky words and spelling using playdoh, making a rollercoaster and a den, imaginative play being a chief wearing the fruit basket as a hat, completing workbooks , helping mum to clean and tidy and taking mum's seat and chilling in the sun!